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What is Youth Week?

Youth Week is all about celebrating young people! Get on board, and support Rangatahi ora: Whanau ora, connecting young people and families. Put on an event today!



Ideas for school students

Published by
Young people in school

Here are a few ideas and examples of for school based activities that young people could lead. See also the ideas on the young peoplegetting involved page.


Posters - promote youth week
Sound out - gig ideas
Peer tutoring - support younger students
Mufti Day - fund raise and get out of that uniform
Staff vs. student debate - turn the tables on your teachers


PostersPut up posters up at school to remind people about Youth Week or another youth issue. Use the resource order form to get posters 

Sound outGet some musicians together after school or during a lunch break and jam or put on a gig. 
Mufti Day
Schools that have uniforms can have freedom fun or mufti days. The money raised could be given to community organisations as a way of showing young people care about their community. Some national charities include: Youthline, Salvation Army, Canteen, Oxfam and the Cancer Society. 

Staff vs. student debatePut the teachers on the spot for once, instead of the other way around. Pick a topic that you know lots about and will be of interest to others. Peer tutoringLaunching a peer tutoring programme is a great way to show that young people care about others who need support. Tutors help younger students in subject areas where they need extra support.

See examples of what a few schools have done during Youth Week. 

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