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What is Youth Week?

Youth Week is all about celebrating young people! Get on board, and support Rangatahi ora: Whanau ora, connecting young people and families. Put on an event today!



Community Organisations

Published by Youth Week

Community organisations
Youth Week is an opportunity for community organisations to highlight the work they do with young people. If your client group does not include young people you can still get involved by using some of the ideas below.


Examples of community organisiation involvement in Youth Week

Golden Bay Community Centre

Volunteer youth awards

Family Planning Association

Graffiti art exhibition


Ideas for getting involved

Thank young volunteers

Develop youth participation

Discuss the image of young people



Examples of community organisiation involvement in Youth Week

Bay Community Centre

Golden Bay community centre does amazing things each Youth Week. They have organised concerts with local bands and rappers, sports activities, workshops and more.

Volunteer youth awards

Volunteer Nelson has recognised the contribution of over 130 young people to the community at its annual Youth Awards. The awards are held in conjunction with a local youth service and the Nelson City Youth Council and Tasman District Youth Council.

The awards aim to promote volunteering as an option for young people aged between 13 and 25yrs old, in the region. They also aim to raise the awareness of the positive input that young people make to our community and to recognise and celebrate their contributions.

Family Planning Association

The Family Planning Association have encouraged parents to make time in Youth Week to talk with their children about sexuality.

Graffiti art exhibition

The Kokiri Training Centre inspired their students to be creative by organising a Graffiti Art exhibition with some of Dunedin's most talented graffiti artists. This is an all day event where members of the public will be able to come along and watch the artists do their thing. BBQ and other refreshments provided.

The Kokiri Training Centre is a Private Training Establishment established in 1982 to reflect the values of the Mana Whenua, and primarily to provide support and guidance, training and education, to a predominantly Maori target group living in the Dunedin area, particularly those with low or no formal qualifications and those training to re-enter the workforce.

Ideas for getting involved

Here are ideas for how community organisations that do not service a youth clientele can get involved in Youth Week.

Thank young volunteers

The Volunteer Centre in Nelson hold a youth volunteer awards around the time of Youth Week that high lights the volunteer contribution young people make to the community


Develop youth participation

If your organisation works with, makes decisions, or advocates positions that impact on young people then youth participation is something you should think about. Youth participation is about actively involving young people in decisions and activities. Meaning youth participation involves provision of real opportunities for young people to become involved in decisions that affect them. See the Youth participation tool kit for more information.


Discuss the image of young people

When you think of young people what are the messages and images in your mind. Take a chance to think about where they come from and how representative they are of the more than 600,000 young people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

•· What are the young people you know like?

•· Think about the thing you did when you were young.

•· How do the media portray young people?

•· What is the fit between your experience and media reporting?

This could be a staff or wider exercise. See media and young people where is the good news article to stimulate discussion